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Korea Certification

KC Certification

Energy Efficiency Management System

The energy management system in charge of the Korea Energy Management Corporation is largely divided into three categories.

Unlike other certifications, it is not step-by-step certification, but each individual certification.

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KC Certification

Energy Efficiency Management System

The energy management system in charge of the Korea Energy Management Corporation is largely divided into three categories.

Unlike other certifications, it is not step-by-step certification, but each individual certification.

Energy Efficiency Management System

Related provision of laws 
Energy Efficiency rating program

(Prohibition of production of products 
with less than minimum efficiency)
Article 15 of

『Energy Use Rationalization Act』

High-Efficiency Equipment Certification program
Article 18 of

『Energy Use Rationalization Act』

Standby power reduction program
(Mandatory declaration)
Article 22 of

『Energy Use Rationalization Act』

Standby power reduction program

It induces the adoption of power saving mode and minimization of standby power during the standby time when the device is not in use, and the energy saving mark is arbitrarily displayed on products that meet the standby power reduction standards.

- It is mandatory to report.
- For products that do not meet the standby power reduction standards, a warning sign must be displayed.


You can conduct a product test yourself or non-designated laboratory.
At least 2 EA

for Each model

- Application Foam
- User Manual (In Korean)
* additional requirements could be required for each product

Test and Report

Manufacturers and importers of the subject items 

must report the product within ‘60 days’ according to the test results.


1. Computers
12. Microwave ovens
2. Monitors
13. Door phone
3. Printers
14. Wired and Wireless Telephones
4. Fax Machines
15. Bidet
5. Copiers
16. Modem
6. Scanners
17. Home gateway
7. All-in-one Printers
18. Hand dryer  * Excluding warning label 
8. Automatic Energy-saving Controller  * Excluding warning label
19. Server  * Excluding warning label 
9. Audios
20. Digital Converter  * Excluding warning label 
10. DVD players
21. Wireless router
11. Radio-cassette players

ICTCompliance Co., Ltd. | CEO : KIM SEON HAYNG
4th floor, 95-5, Gwanggyojungang-ro 248beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Business Registration Number : 165-81-00397
Tel : +82-31-214-7537 | Fax : +82-31-214-7637
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ICTCompliance Co., Ltd.   |  CEO : KIM SEON HAYNG
4th floor, 95-5, Gwanggyojungang-ro 248beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Business Registration Number : 165-81-00397  [Check]
Tel : +82-31-214-7537   Fax : +82-31-214-7637
Certification Inquiry :   |  Business Inquiry :

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